How to develop a strong reading habitLearn how to develop your reading habits with just 15 minutes a day.
Amazing advantages of learning abacusKnow nine added advantages of learning abacus for children. Understand why you should make your children learn abacus from their early years.
Why you should learn solving a Rubik’s Cube10 Reason Why You Should Learn Solving A Rubik’s Cube For a Healthy Brain and Boosting Intelligence and Agility.
Benefits of Learning Python Programming for ChildrenThis article elaborates the benefits children reap with learning Python Programming. Python can be learnt by students starting age 10.
How to cure your social media addictionLearn effective ways to help you cure your social media addiction.
Being a busy and a better parentLearn six practical and awesome ways to balance your work and family and improve your engagement with your children
Seven amazing benefits of playing chessLearn the seven amazingly impressive benefits of playing chess.
Effective time management during examsEffective time management is a much needed skill required during examinations for maximum scoring. Learn tried and tested skills from this article which can help parents coach this skill to their children.